To use HGK Protect, you have to use a DEDICATED SERVER (not a virtual)
- Min. Specification
- 3 GHz @ 4 cores or higher
- 16 GB RAM or higher
- SSD SATA or higher
- Network 100 Mbps or higher
- Windows Server 2016 or higher
- SQL Server 2008r2 or higher
- Rec. Specification
- 4 GHz @ 6 cores or higher
- 64 GB RAM or higher
- Network 1 Gbps or higher
- Windows Server 2016 or higher
- SQL Server 2014 or higher
1. Installed SQL Server with Management Studio
2. Setuped ODBC (User DSN)
3. Installed & Running-up Default 2232 ZoneServer
4. Basic understanding of .json
5. Hardwork and Diligence to do self testing